Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sick of being sick

The title sums it up. Stupid Iberian cold. I woke up worse today, so Scottie gave me a blessing and Laurel brought me a pharmacy and tons of Gatorade. After that, about an hour later, I was able to walk again, which was exciting. I'm camping right now. I pulled my mattress into the front room and am camping near the swamp cooler. Normally I like the heat, but not the last few days.
But one interesting thing has developed in all of this: rapid-fire sneezing. You know when you sneeze, usually you get a brief recovery time? I've developed power sneezing: three sneezes in under one second, no recovery time. I was pretty impressed with myself the first time, well, impressed that I didn't die. Does anyone else suffer from this malady?

So in the wake of all of this, I've taken to doing online quizzes: How Republican are you? How Democrat are you? Who should you have voted for in 2004? Which European city should you live in? Stuff like that. Scottie took some of the quizzes too. We found out that he's ready for a serious relationship, but maybe not marriage. I, however, am ready for marriage--according to the quiz. Scottie's inner super hero is also...WONDER WOMAN. Oh, did I laugh. I was Spiderman. Too bad I hate on the movies.


Cassidy said...

My best friend growing up had an older brother who had rapid fire sneezes every morning until he blew his nose. It was always so annoying to me when I would sleep over.
A big AHAHAHA! about Scottie and the Super Woman thing!

Myra Bybee said...

ha ha Wonder Woman! You know, next time you travel you should take works everytime.

rantipoler said...

I love Wonder Woman! I used to have WW pajamas as a kid. Are her boots fake in that pic?