Friday, July 20, 2007

My Goofy Hands and some non-spoiler Harry Potter Palaver

My fingers sorta do goofy things when they're bent. For example, my fingers kinda separate in twos when I bend them, like so:

When my fingers are bent, sometimes my pinkies don't like to lay against my ring fingers, but on top of them, like so:

Now sometimes both of these effects are in place, in other words, my pinkies are over my ring fingers which are separated from my middle fingers:

If you think that it ends there, look at the tips of my index fingers, how they lay behind and under my middle fingers:

Sometimes it bugs, because I just wish that my fingers would lay nice next to each other. But most of the time I don't even notice.

Harry Potter Discussion Below!!!!! No real spoilers, very cryptic, but a fair warning, nonetheless.

I finished HP7 tonight a few hours ago. All I did today was read. Every 60 or 70 or 100 pages I would take a quick break. I cried every once in a while, near the beginning, in the middle I sobbed some and the end...there were some tears. I admit that I didn't totally enjoy the epilogue, although I nailed who the teacher at Hogwarts would be, meaning JK Rowling said that one of the characters would become a teacher at the school. I'd long believed and hoped that this student would end up working at Hogwarts. I think a lot of us saw the R.A.B. thing coming, too.
There were two things that I teared up about that I wasn't expecting to cry about, and one that I wasn't expecting to totally happen or appreciate. Oh, I didn't like the name of the book very much until the very, very end when I thought a little bit about it. But I wasn't to happy with the U.S. cover of the book, after finishing everything. But I totally get why they used that scene. The U.K. children's version was better, in my opinion. The U.K. adult version has a locket on it. Meh, they coulda gone with something better.

I'm done discussing now, I wanna talk more about it, but I want to give everyone a while to read and finish up.
Later I won't be so cryptic instead I'll be totally more up front about this all.

1 comment:

Lydia and Josh said...

ok. i just finished it and i cannot wait to discuss it with you. all i can say is wow.