Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lockdown at the IMAX

Becky and I went to Sandy to go to the Harry Potter IMAX with Rebeca. The movie took forever to start, something like 10 minutes late. But we were having fun talking, so it didn't matter. Anyway, just as Tonks and Mad-Eye and the rest were breaking Harry out of the Dursley's, the screen went blank and there was total darkness in the theater. Then some lights came on. One of the employees came in and told us that all the power was out in the theater. Then he came back and told us that the power was out at the Mayan next door, too. Then he told us that they'd locked the doors and that they weren't letting anyone in. Really, we weren't that worried, but it was sorta weird. Come to find out that the construction crew on the street somewhere had cut a main power line and half of Sandy was in the black.
Thus ended our "lockdown." No nuclear attack. Just a clumsy construction crew.
But don't think the Harry Potter fun ended there. We went to Rebeca's and discussed book 7. We discussed its strengths and weaknesses, things we liked, things that really annoyed us, moments where I cried while reading it.
So, my blogging friends, are we all to a point where we can discuss book 7? If I post my feelings and ideas--like how much I hat the epilogue except for one detail--will anyone be annoyed that I'm spoiling their fun? I'll still post the WARNING of course. But, oooh!, I wanna chat!

So there's my lockdown story. Anyone have a lockdown story of their own? Bepa?

Oh, and just in case you need to stay fit while learning any good English phrases to protect yourself while being attacked, or in a movie theater lockdown, watch the following video clip.


just a little bit mo said...

Dang, V. LOL! I love the video. "Spare me my life!" How upbeat, how chipper. For those Japanese trying to learn English, just three more useful phrases in their journey toward English fluency . . . :) And in such a real-world setting, as well. Americans assaulting a young Japanese woman as she cuts through a well-lit studio . . .
(I didn't realize it would show I deleted my last comment. I only deleted it because of a heinous typo.)

Cassidy said...

Wait! I'm not ready to discuss. I am not even close to ready. So, email if you are going to post anything and I will avoid your blog until I am ready. I am so terrified that I am going to read something about the book that I don't want to that I have been avoiding the Internet at all costs!

Marie said...

Yes, yes, yes. I'm dying to hear what you think. Lisa and I have had a few discusssions and would like to see what you think as well.

Myra Bybee said...

I am so not ready to discuss yet, sorry. I just bought the book today. oh and by the way that is too funny that you went into lock down.ha ha ha.

Erika said...

You know when you're in a Young Women's class and they say "imagine what your life will be like in ten years". Well, I guarantee that I never imagined that going on lock-down would be a routine part of my work. I also never imagined that it isn't the gunfire that I am afraid of, but being trapped in a room full of 8-year-olds for an extended period of time with no access to a bathroom.
My favorite lock-down experience was when CNN showed my class barreling into the art room. I'm glad that the entire nation could witness my lack of crowd control skills. :)

Marie said...

Oh and Lisa and I died laughing at the "workout video!" We'll definitely remember those useful phrases.

Lydia and Josh said...

ok i am laughing so hard! i love your blog. and harry potter.