Saturday, February 7, 2009


So tonight at Aimee's game night we played Trivial Pursuit. Well, sorta played. We didn't have a board, so we used the Monopoly board, money, Chance & Community Chest cards, and the pieces (I was the iron!). It was by far the funnest Monopoly game I've ever played. If you get the answer correct, you get the Monopoly property space for free, otherwise you have to buy it. If you get the answer correct on a tax spot, you don't have to pay. We sorta made the rules up as we went along.

But really the best part of the whole night was this (paraphrased) question:

Which actor is afraid of antique furniture because he believes that he was attacked with furniture in a previous life?
Billy Bob Thornton

David christened this fear as ThisOldHouseaphobia.

**By the way, did you know that Bob Vila's a Cuban American? Just learned that searching for pictures.


Marie said...

You stay up late. But I guess that's when games like this are the most fun. I'm afraid in this version, I wouldn't own too much property. Did you have to answer two questions right to get Boardwalk?

rantipoler said...

Of COURSE you were the iron.

And I did know that about Bob Villa. I gotta keep up on my Cubans, you know. And I don't mean the cigars.