Friday, February 27, 2009

at a time not too long ago, in a place relatively close

I made a very important discovery today, one that might define my future, perhaps my eternity.
This website has opened a whole new world to me. And if ever my mythological wedding does occur, this page will be so important.

I am aware, also, that I have 2 second cousins once removed who, however firmly Mormon, would be naturals.


the pachuco cross said...

wow, just when I had honestly just decided that I didn't believe in marriage and thought that it was simply a social institution forcing me to conform, you find this venom and my hope in mankind is reborn. may the force be with you

Marie said...

Can I come as Chewie?

Cindy said...

Over my dead body!---Mom

rantipoler said...

SO scientology-like. Sci-fi apparently translates nicely into religion. Perhaps I will become a Bradburyan.

nateandrebecca said...

Wow. Who knew? How did you find this?

Vanessa Swenson said...

I'd heard about it a while back. My coworker and I were joking around about it, so I thought I'd search for it. Voilà.
Don't they know that Jedi don't get married?