Wednesday, February 18, 2009

few marriages in Provo? no wonder

If this is the prevailing attitude in Provo, it's no wonder no one's getting married.

Found on

What was it really supposed to say? We can't figure it out.


Mena said...

That is hilarious!! I love love love Costa Vida though!

emily said...

wait. nobody's getting married in provo?

Vanessa Swenson said...

no. nobody.

pero, todavía es necesario costavidar.

emily said...

oh, i miss costa so much. so so much. will you fedex me a pork salad?

also, i think this is photoshopped.

also, i have never been to fatcats (except when cutting through to costa), but i have a funny story about it. ask me to tell you about it sometime.

Marie said...

Well, I certainly know a few who believe in the philosophy. Thanks for showing this.

Maybe photoshopped, or maybe some employee got a little brave and put it up to take the pic and then took it down.

sallysue said...

I think costavidar is almost an awesomer verb than googlear.

So maybe it's...take a crap shoot on your date? But I don't know how that would be impressive.

Myra Bybee said...

Ha ha ha! I am laughing so hard at this!

Allie said...

LoL!! Wow. Long ago, I made a vow never to enter that place voluntarily. Proud to say I kept the promise. :^P

Vanessa Swenson said...

I've never gone into the fat part of the cat, as it were. I've only costavida-ed.

And I really want to believe that this wasn't photoshopped, like I want to believe in Santa and Hogwarts.

rantipoler said...

Oh. Yikes.

Also, I have never been to Costa Vida.

Vanessa Swenson said...

Debes costavidar cuando vuelvas. I mean, how many restaurants can you turn into a Portunhol verb?

David said...

I saw a similar themed sign at a movie theater that said "spring for some popcorn." Would that actually impress my date?