I know that this is just a subset of life in general and that I'm sure I'm guilty of something similar in a different realm of my life, perhaps at times in this realm, but I'm flat out sick of snarky political talking heads like Keith Olbermann, Rush Limbaugh, Dan Abrams, Ann Coulter, etc., etc. They take a valid idea, smother it with rude comments, their own ego and an either-agree-with-me-or-you-are-a-baby-hater attitude, and finally spew it over the airwaves. And then we listen and soak up whatever.
(okay, this whole idea could really be about other things in life, too)
I've thought about this for a long time, why it happens, what purpose it serves. I've come to at least a partial conclusion, it's the same thing that goes on in junior high. It's name calling and back biting and putting someone else down to (supposedly) elevate yourself. Instead of just saying, "Hey, these are the reasons why I'm worried about this and this, don't you think these ideas are better?" I hear from liberals (like I did a couple weekends ago), "Those idiotic conservative know-nothings want this country to fail and want to get (expletive) richer all the while." And then I hear from conservatives, "The liberal blankety blanks are out to destroy our (expletive) way of life."
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the juvenality. I'm sick of the name calling. I'm utterly sick of the lack of civil dialog--or dialog in civility.
We are not supposed to act this way.
There. I've said it. It's been broiling since, I don't know, April last?
As an added idea, I think part of the reason why this junior high pithiness happens is because we can't be sure of our politics. Wait!!! Before you freak out. I did not say idea/ideals. I said politics, meaning ideas/ideals in action. We have an idea, something that we really feel strongly about and then try to put it into action in this very imperfect world. Our uncertainty can lead us to be rude and childish, even if we really feel like we're totally, 100% so sure that we're like iron-clad right.
If our politics were perfect, why would we feel the need to improve this country? We've had democratic presidents with democratic congresses, republican presidents with republican congresses, whig presidents with whig congresses and federalist presidents with federalist congresses. Yet, we are not perfect.
No political party is perfect. No political idea is perfect.
But, then again, when did humility earn large shares of TV time?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Something stewing in my mind for months now
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
Labels: political musings
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Thanks for saying that! I couldn't agree more. I was talking to my mom not to long ago about Ann Coulter (shudder) and about how, all politics aside, I cannot stand her nasty disposition and tendency to attack people. The same goes for Bill O'Reilly (blech). That said, I have to admit that I'm pretty surprised to hear you say you're sick of Keith Olbermann. I never thought those words would usher forth from your lips. Or your keyboard for that matter. :P I'll just stick to "Oddball" and leave the political stuff alone.
No, Keith really annoys me. He's so pompous. Sometimes I want to hear the political view to ruminate on it, but I think the longest I've lasted over the last few months is around 2 minutes.
I just can't stand it when people are rude like that. Our moms wouldn't let us act that way when we were playing with our friends when we were 6. Why then is it okay when we're adults discussing politics?
Oddball is funny, though.
Thanks for stating this so well. Thank you thank you. I fully agree. In fact, Marcus and I recently discussed (and often discuss) how it's impossible to really know which way is best, politically, frequently, until it's too late. We have to hope for the best. So all the conservatives who swear their way is right. Is it? All the liberals who swear their way is right. Is it? With some things, I'll stand firm and say it's one way or the other. But when it comes down to many of the issues, economics for one, who knows? There is evidence both ways. I'm personally sick of people wanting others to fail just so they can say "I told you so." How American is that?! Let's pull together. State your opinion, sure, that's the beauty of our country, but let's not be nasty. I could go on forever.
I also love how you used "pithiness." That really just made my day.:)
Thanks, Jenny. It is so hard to know when people infuse their opinion so often. Even hard news is just the reporter's perception.
I think the reason why the economic evidence goes both ways is because every plan that is put into place has benefits and drawbacks. It's just how it is. This economic crisis was set into motion in the 90s by a few Republicans and happily signed off by a Democratic president. But, hooeey, some people really did well.
But avoiding the discussion for betterment, or preferring to mudsling? grrrr.
(and I was really excited that I got to use pithiness somewhere, too !! )
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