Tuesday, October 16, 2007

One reason why I like where I live

We live at the end of a cul-de-sac. And even though we live in Old Mill, it doesn't feel like it most times because we're so secluded. Every morning when I catch my bus and every time I come back from school, there are kids out playing. This morning there were two girls, about 4 and 2, playing make-believe, I think. One of them had on cowboy boots that were far from matching her cute outfit. Then as I was walking back after getting of the bus, a little girl who looked no more than 18 months teetered down the incline of a driveway. She was really short and had little pig tails sticking out of the side of her head. She was carefully holding on to a book, which seems like a delicate balance between actually being able to hold something and walk at the same time.
There are so many kids around that I have as of yet to really recognize them, because there are so many running around. It's great.


M said...

Hooray for kids hanging around. The teetering balance of carrying things and walking was a good description of BeeBoo about 3 weeks ago, if that gives you a judging point. Now she has her very own, very cute backpack.

Myra Bybee said...

Our Apt complex is quiet dead compared to our last one. It makes me forget that other people live there. But yesterday I saw three kids riding their bikes and it made me happy.

rantipoler said...

I liked the one wearing a cape and riding his big wheel. :P