Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A great day for friends

A wonderful person is back in town. Yes, everyone, Rebekka Matheson is back in Utah. There are many reasons to like Rebekka. Anyone who's talked to her knows that her adjectives are one of her best attributes. But maybe her best attribute is her ability to tell a story. You're captivated as she's drawn you in by her astute points and funny anecdotes. Rebekka's the bomb.
I also stayed up until way too late talking the whole gamut of topics with my friend Beth that I met thru the Spanish Golden Age Theater (Chinese Golden Theater to Kathy and Gretchen). Today's been a great day for conversation, and not to great on the thesis production. Oops.
I bought three books today. All three are by Chaim Potok, probably my favorite author. I had to buy another copy of My Name is Asher Lev, as a friend of mine commandeered it. You should all own this book. I also bought The Chosen, which is so powerful it's hard to describe its beauty. Another book for you to own. In fact, I love the movie so much that I've contemplated buying it, and that's saying something from a movie snob like myself. The third book that I bought is Old Men at Midnight. I haven't read this one, but I've heard wonderful things about it. You should also read The Promise, which is the sequel to The Chosen. The Gift of Asher Lev is the sequel to Name. It is amazing, one of the few books that have ever brought tears to my eyes. Potok also wrote The Book of Lights, I am the Clay, Davita's Harp and Wanderings.
Out of all of those books you must read The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev. I committed the nice check-out girl at the bookstore to read these books like they were the Book of Mormon. And some nerds are trying to sell their free copy on Amazon.

Here's some music to check out:
My brother Scottie on purevolume.
Mason Jennings on purevolume.
More Mason songs on myspace.
Owen on purevolume.
Owen on myspace.
La Ley on purevolume for those of you who like great Spanish music.
Andy Scisco on myspace.
Andy Scisco on YouTube.
José González on myspace. He's a Swede whose parents are expatriots from Argentina who had to flee the Argentine gov't. He sings in English. Go figure. Here's his website. Check out the AU/VI link on the right side of the page. Cassidy: There's a video of him on Conan.


Cassidy said...

Then I must go watch, ASAP. Vanessa, did you hear that I am going to go see him again? When Amy and Myra are in town! Wooooo!

Vanessa Swenson said...

Wow! 2 times, eh? Maybe you'll get to have another "encounter."

Myra Bybee said...

I am so excited to go to Conan! But also I am excited to read My Name is Asher Lev. I actually just started reading it. I think if I like it I will read the Chosen also, I have heard that is a good one. Oh and I think Rebekah M. is pretty dang funny also!

Marie said...

Potok is one of my favorites as well. I wanted to do The Chosen for our book club, but the club sets are all checked out from the library. I would force people to buy it, but that might scare the only person who attended the enrichment activity away. I will have to rewatch the movie because I can’t remember it. I have read the book a couple of times. My favorite part about it is the idea that someone is chosen to be a close friend and help to another human being. Anyway, enough about me.

Vanessa Swenson said...

i think that any way that gets people to read The Chosen should be legally valid. 1 person at enrichment, huh? meh, just tell people there'll be free food. Then, when they get there, tell them it was real food, but the metaphorical food for thought. then tell them that you lied about the "free" part and that they had to go buy a book. Growl at them if they refuse.