Tuesday, August 18, 2009

not my poll

This alone shows how much U.S. Americans don't understand sports around the world:
The Super Bowl? The Super Bowl is tied for 1st?
The World Cup is #1. I mean, nearly 2 billion people tune in.
Ask people outside of the US and you'll get the World Cup at 70%, the Olympics at 20%, the World Series at 6% and the Super Bowl at 4%.
Yes, this shows how much Americans don't think outside of their borders in sports (reality?).

Here's the "view map" portion of the poll. Look at Utah, one of the two states that has the World Cup as the biggest sporting event in the world. I'm thinking this is all of the RMs that have actually lived outside of the US and know what's really going down. That's my guess.
See, missions are very important.


Jared Blanco said...

I keep clicking the "view map" but it's not working... :(

Just curious as to what states have the highest percentage of Super Bowl enthusiasm; I bet Texas--heck, anything Bible belt, really--is up there.

M said...

Reality. Definitely.

Vanessa Swenson said...

I added a screen shot of the "view map."
The south, definitely. I'm thinking that Nevada voted that way, too, for betting reasons.

Jared Blanco said...

thanks for the map. That green blob is Utah?!? Wow, this changes everything I have ever thought about Utahans--they creamed CA, too! (Although I can respect the Olympics.)

Barry said...

Ya know, the rest of the world really needs to get with it. Forget soccer, folks! It's about the gridiron! Football!

Ben said...

The map also reveals how prominent football is in the south. Really, there's not much else that goes on from what I hear. But I'm speaking out of ignorance. Utah earned some respect from me by responding correctly, but I still prefer the land to the people...I guess that's true for most places with me though.

nateandrebecca said...

Wow. I didn't even know people could think that the Super Bowl is bigger than the World Cup or the Olympics. Interesting. And by the way, congratulations on graduating!