Thursday, July 9, 2009

Safety Dance

I bet you weren't expecting a Scandinavian renaissance Maypole party with a token lute-playing midget for a classic 1980s New Wave video.

Then again, for a 1980s New Wave classic, we probably shouldn't expect anything less.


emily said...

I once had a Maypole party in lieu of a birthday party. We didn't play '80s New Wave music, though. I propose a re-do. Start checking out airfare to California. You won't want to miss it.

Vanessa Swenson said...

checking flights...

Ben said...

I've always loved this music video. It's a silly song, with a silly name by a band with a nonsensical name. It always reminded me of Willow.

Vanessa Swenson said...

Willow. heh heh

It's a great song. And I guess it does make sense that they'd make a video like this. They were pretty wacko.