Monday, June 15, 2009


The 2 times in my life I've gotten a speeding ticket the cop clocked me at 13mph over the limit. Both times, though, the trooper was nice enough to lower the range so my insurance didn't get the low-down.
Weird coincidence, don't you think? Of all the numbers...


Marie said...

I guess thirteen is your ... lucky... number? (Well it is better than getting a 500$ ticket for it anyway. Don't ever speed in Nevada.)

Lili said...

You lucky dog. Three times in my driving career I've been pulled over. Three times the cops showed no mercy. Three times I've been to traffic school. So it was expensive, but at least I still have a clean record ;)

Erika said...

I guess this means you will have to come and visit me in Vegas again with those odds.

Vanessa Swenson said...

lol! yes. seems like a great idea. i'll use my luck to beat you at paper/rock/scissors.

and $500? ick.

and my record's darn ugly at present, I bet.

Ben said...

Everyone's favorite (and only) phallocentric founder of psychoanalysis, Freud, says that when the numbers repeat themselves in similar instances...only then do we think there is something weird and uncanny about it. It's the seeming repetition of an event that is unsettling. This is from his essay, "The Uncanny", it's my favorite Freud.

Vanessa Swenson said...

My family and friends do this with the number 44

Jared Blanco said...

Try this one out: Em and I got married on August 6, 2004. Max's bday is Feb. 26, Em's is Jan 27, and mine is April 28.


26, 27, 28

I think that whoever randomly assigns dates to humanity knew that I have a remarkably poor memory. Thank goodness for serendipity.