Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shirt problems

As I was walking to my last class today, I walked by a girl wearing a green shirt. When I looked over at her I finally realized what her shirt actually said, but because the straps from her backpack had obscured a portion of the word, I was initially shocked. Here's the word:




Marie said...

I think it is a sign that the name someone suggested a while back -Charlotte - should be what you go by from now on.:)

Vanessa Swenson said...

oh, madamoiselle assumeundone, you just think you're so funny! But you better watch your back b/c this newly monikered charlotte is gonna get you for snarky comment! Maybe another toothbrush?

Jenn said...

Oh, that makes me so happy. I love your life. :)

Myra Bybee said...

Ha ha ha! that is great! That snoop dog thing was pretty good also!

M said...

Wow. That makes me happy. And knocks one name off our potential-baby-girl-name list. :-)

rantipoler said...

Oh that is just special.

Unknown said...

Am I due for a new toothbrush so soon?

Marie said...

I'm not sure who "English" is or why they are signed onto my computer but maybe they need a new toothbrush too.

Vanessa Swenson said...

You are so ready for a new toothbrush. Just for the shear pleasure of getting to use a new toothbrush, you should be due. I mean, seriously, is there anything better?