Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bowling Dreamily

So right before I woke up (very late) this morning, I had a dream that I was bowling. I was in the zone, seriously bowling the best game of my life. I had the lane all to myself and I just went berserk. The dream was so vivid that I woke up and remembered exactly what I had bowled:
Strike Spare Strike Strike Strike Strike Strike Strike Spare Strike Eight-Zero.
Man, when have I ever bowled more beautifully than this morning at 7:36am?
If you're curious about my score, take a gander:

I totally rock at sleep bowling.


M said...

Your dreams beat mine all to my most recent one I dreamed that I really had two babies ever since we moved here, but had forgotten about the younger one. That was a stinky dream.

Brittany said...

You are definitely multi-talented! That actually made me laugh out loud! We're excited to see you this next weekend!

Brittany said...

Oh, I forgot I don't dream these days... I'm not asleep long enough to reach that point! I hate to say it, but enjoy your dreams while you can, because once you have kids there is no turning back... maybe once Grace is 3 or 4 months old, she'll sleep through the night, and then hello dreamland! Cross your fingers for me!

Myra Bybee said...

Wow! I don't think I have ever had a dream about bowling...actually I don't think I have ever dreamed about playing any sports....hmmm that says a lot about my lack of abilities when it comes to sports, even in dreams I can't play.

rantipoler said...

You're odd. :P