Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quite the Weekend

So it was my rebirthday on Friday. That was great. Then Brock got his mission call (finally!!!), Chile Santiago West. I love Santiago, it's such an awesome place. I was only there for 4 days--which was so not enough. Brock's gonna love it! And...there's a temple in Santiago!!!
Then on Saturday I went to the baptism of one of my students. (!!!!!!) It was really cool. Another one of my students gave the a talk about baptism. She's only been a member for 2 years. Both are from Ecuador. I have another former student who actually serving in María's home mission. the world is so small.
Then after the baptism I left and drove like a mad woman all the way to South Jordan, thru psycho traffic, to get to my aunt's wedding. She got remarried and I'm really happy for her because of the situation she came from. After the wedding I talked for a long while to my cousin, Steven, about his mission in Hungary. He just barely had gotten back.
Then there was, of course, church today.

Needless to say, it's been a great weekend. The Church rocks!!


sallysue said...

Hooray for church!

rantipoler said...

We should go back to Santiago and surprise Brock. And JC's family. :)

Myra Bybee said...

That sounds like a fantastic weekend!