Friday, January 11, 2008

I want a dog. Bad.


Cassidy said...

Please, please, please get one and then let me come visit it and play with it and love it and kiss it. ADORABLE.

Myra Bybee said...

Oh I want one sooo bad also! I just love dogs....too bad I live with Bepa who doesn't like animals.

Vanessa Swenson said...

I'm sure that Bepa would survive if you got one. Dachshunds are too adorable to not love them.

Erika said...

Let me clarify. I do like animals. Dogs, cats, hampsters, komodo dragons...they all have their loveable qualities. I just think that adding another inhabitant to our apartment would be ridiculous. We can barely feed and bathe ourselves!

rantipoler said...

SO CUTE! Out of curiosity, do dachshunds ever have back problems? They're just so long (and cute).