Thursday, October 16, 2008

I think I might've decided on something

I have been trying to figure out what to wear for Halloween. Granted, I might not have as great of an idea as Jenny, but I think this idea comes from my life right now, as I blog this at 2:43am after having spent X number of hours working on the thesis. I have produced 9 pages in the last couple of hours (woot!). Enough vainglory and tired rambling.
I think I should go as a zombie. I'm thinking a thesis zombie. My deadline is the 31st of October, which is oh, so fitting, ¿no?

Truthfully, though, I've wanted to go as Marion Cotesworth Hay of Marblehead, NY, for a very long time. I want to have people look at me and ask, "Who are you?" just so that I can respond, "I'm Marion Cotesworth Hay."

See below at 1:20 for explanation.


Sahara said...

holy noodles can we go to a Halloween party and you can be Marion and I will be the lady that can't stop laughing?

Britt O. said...

woahhhh good luck with your thesis finishing! you're the best venom!

Marie said...

nine pages!! amazing. i need to crank out that many this weekend.

emily said...

oh that scene always kills me! i was going to nominate myself for the role of cj if you go as marion cotesworth hay, but i guess somebody already beat me to it. and besides, we'd have to go trick-or-treating by skype or something, what with being in different states and all.

Vanessa Swenson said...

yeah, see Wendy's tall and a redhead, so she sorta falls into the CJ role smoothly. you could be Will and carry around a flag and a key, and have olives in your pockets.

thanks for the luck with my thesis!

and you can totally do it, Marie! page after page. pretend you're writing a short story ;)