Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thought that might only be interesting to me

There's been an uproar lately because the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, is not only in New York, but got invited to Columbia University for a forum. He said some pretty far-out there things today about his country. He claims that Iran has no gays. He got a laugh for that one. But he was serious. ???!!! I really think the man's a wack job. But he's sorta smart in the way that he words things. This man would be a nonentity in a lot of ways, but he's standing up to a big country--or at least that's what it seems like.
People away from the U.S. see the protesters against him and he looks like he's standing up against this great nation. It only emboldens his supporters and makes some people in the middle ground lean toward Ahmadinejad.
Who knows, maybe the best way to treat a man like this, one who wants to wipe Israel off the map, denies the existence of the Holocaust or at least its extent (like 1 million is better than 6?!), claims that his uranium enriching is for peaceful purposes (except the type of enrichment is only for bombs [note the part about wiping Israel off the map]), now claims that it's for dangerous purposes, etc. etc. etc., anyway, maybe the best way to treat a man like this is to not protest, to not pay him any attention, to ignore his blabbering claims, to make him the mostly nonentity that he was, to treat him like a useless outcast that gets his country no where on the world's stage.

But I understand the desires to stand up to him as the Columbia University's president did today in the most unkind introduction of an invited speaker I've ever heard. I understand why the people outside at CU's campus would want to voice their opinion. It's a free country and free speech is so important. But now we've shown Ahmadinejad that we way take him seriously, even though everything he says shows that he's a total dotard.

I say laugh at him like he got laughed at today.

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