Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wrong Person

There's this posting that says:

But I keep reading it as "Send questions for RuPaul."

What would you ask RuPaul?


Larissa said...

Maybe, "Where do you hide it?" Just kidding - keeping it clean folks, keeping it clean!
I thought for some reason that you would have a Friday the 13th ode or historical somein somein on here today:-) Love you!

Anonymous said...

I would simply ask for some beauty tips . . . um no!! Honestly, I'd probably ask if he/she had ever been diagnosed with anything interesting . . .

Vanessa Swenson said...

Hey Riss--Sorry, I was in Tijuana on the 13th, otherwise I bet there would've been something. But I'm going to come up with some stories, so no worries.

and Brian, maybe you should diagnose. I bet there are more videos you could cull from.