Monday, December 10, 2007

my mom is the bomb and i'm unhinged

I got my mom addicted to the west wing. She might be more addicted to it than I am. I would like to post the following in honor of my mom--and my recent postings:

So I called my mom today and tried to blackmail her out of her old DVD player b/c Emily's dad's old one gave up the ghost. So she appeared at my apartment with a new DVD/VHS for me. "Merry Christmas," she said. My mom is so nice! Seriously!

So this morning I woke up at 10 and then fell back asleep and bolted awake at 10:57 after having a TERRIBLE nightmare. I have weird dreams, yes, very weird dreams. This one took place at Novell, even though it wasn't totally Novell. Anyway, I was there with Sarah Haynie and we needed to get to a different place at Novell (which was for some reason a huge campus type thingie), so we decided to take the shuttle van thing. We were in there with a man, his wife and their 17 or 18-year-old son. The driver was separate by a wall, well some sort of separating mechanism. He was driving fast and didn't slow down for the turn and we didn't make it and we caught air off of the curb. We slammed into the ground right before a ranch style home and none of the passengers were hurt, but the driver was seriously injured and was killed in the crash. Why none of us were injured is beyond me. But it was trippy.
Dreams are weird.
Anyway, I bolted awake from this dream and apologized to Emily because I was going to make us late. I was totally unhinged because of the nightmare and seriously was not totally mentally capable until sometime after church. Ask Em, I was wack for a long time.

I think I'm mainly back to normal. But I have weird dreams, always have.
I have this recurring nightmare about the planets. For some reason they are coming closer and closer to Earth. Jupiter is by far the most scary as it draws nearer, nearer and nearer. And even nearer. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. Even Pluto and Charon. While this is happening I'm trying to ignore the fact, but on the inside I'm so terrified that it's all I can do to not fall into the fetal position.
I hate this dream.

I have weird fears: Jupiter approaching, fish, escalators (overcome), ice skating.

What goofy fears to you have?


emily said...

pluto's not a planet, silly. oh, that must be like, the generation gap thing.

Myra Bybee said...

You do have strange dreams. One of my most ridiculous fears is that the road is going to end. When I am driving at night and especially up hills, so I can't see beyond the top of the hill, I am afraid the road will just end.

Cassidy said...

I don't have any ridiculous fears. I am fearless!

rantipoler said...

Hmmm, spiders, cockroaches, moths, walking in near proximity to a group of men, cold-calling someone on the phone, going to any social event where I don't know a lot of people (I have some serious social anxiety problems), failing out of school, people thinking I'm stupid, people not liking me, me talking too much, public speaking, being attacked in my house at night, I really could go on and on. Any other part of my soul I should bare?