Saturday, April 24, 2010

as {bwahahahah} seen on my FB today

So-and-So hates to be across the globe from (fiancée), I'd rather have her close to me like she's standing on my toes. :-\

His sister comments:
Dude, you're only twenty minutes away from her. Suck it up a little! LOL

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH. Young, sappy engaged love. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.


rantipoler said...

Wowza. I have to admit, I'm always a little concerned about those people. I worry what will happen when reality sets in. Not that being married isn't great and all (it truly is), but it's not like riding a unicorn across a rainbow bridge or anything.

M said...

Wait a minute! There's totally a unicorn that lives in my backyard and carries all my stuff across the rainbow bridge! And it cleans too. And changes diapers. And...

Oh wait. Blech. I get more than a little frustrated by codependency. :-)