Wednesday, March 10, 2010

drill team addendum

Amy's mentioning the Lone Peak Knights and the school's drill team, the Chevaliers (in the masculine spelling form, no less [sheesh])*, reminded me that SF's high school drill team is called Las Chalitas**. See Spanish Fork loves to play on the Spanish theme. They just made up the name and liked it. At least it's in the feminine form.
One problem, the word Chala actually exists in Spanish, it means corn husk. Chalita is the mini form of a chala. (or it can mean sandal) (or it can also be slang for marijuana or something like that)
So bring on the Mini-Corn Husks at halftime, Spanish Fork!

*See previous entry's comments.
**When I first looked at the video, the ad that came on said "Let's Make Babies." Awkward.

Ashibaba! Hey Hey!

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