Saturday, April 25, 2009


So I keep this list of things that I want to know. Some of the questions are going to have to be answered after I die when I get to talk to the spirit professors in Heaven.

Before I write up a good selection of mine, what questions do you wanna ask? I'm really curious.

Some of my questions are:
Why were tobacco leaves found in Ramses II's mummified remains? I mean, tobacco didn't exist outside of the Americas during his life, right?

Did Babe Ruth really call his shot by point to center field with his bat?

Did Marco Polo really make is to China, or did he just hear stories from other travelers? Because the meticulous Chinese imperial court records of the time don't mention him ever, at all.

What was lost in the destruction of the Library of Alexandria?

How about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Did they really exist and how?

Mayan and the Book of Mormon--how does the language fit in the the languages of the Book? (Watch awesome Nova documentary on cracking the Mayan code here. See if you can find the phrase similar to "And it came to pass.")

Oh, I also wanna know how the Book of Mormon names and place names were said, what they mean etymologically, and how they relate to any of the languages of the Americas.

Was the star at Christ's birth actually a supernova?

What year, according to our present calendar, was Christ born?

What was it that Christ wrote in the dirt when the woman caught in adultery was thrown before him.

How did the fl- and pl- sounds in Latin develop into the ch- sound in Portuguese? What were the intermediary sounds?

Black holes--why? How? What purpose? I mean, they creeped out Einstein so much that he didn't think the universe could be that messed up to possess them.

The moon--what happened to create it?

What's Jupiter's core? Could it be a diamond?

Okay, I'm going to stop now. Oh, and if anybody has any answers...


sallysue said...

Umm, and what the heck did Anti-Nephi-Lehi mean?

According to my geology professor, the darkness in the Book of Mormon was caused by a volcano eruption - the darkness was the ash in the air.

I like your list - when you find the answers, please let me know!

Vanessa Swenson said...

The Anti in Hebrew actually meant "near to," totally different what our meaning, no?

M said...

So I love your questions....most of them are TOTALLY over my head, but the one about what Christ wrote in the dirt is one of mine, too. Ben says he doodled, but I think that it says "wrote" for a reason!

Vanessa Swenson said...

Tell Ben that I'm curious as to what he thinks Christ doodled. My mom doodles kites.
And most of them are over my head, too. So maybe I'll need a bachelor's degree in Celestiality before I dive into some of those 500 & 600 level courses.

Brittany said...

Love your list of questions! :) I'm surprised there are not more! Hahahaha! :) love you!

Vanessa Swenson said...

¡Hola Britt!
I sorta wish that I didn't have to wait so long for the answers...and I'm sure there will be a second round of questions on the horizon.

Amy Martin said...

Good questions! I would love to know the answers to those among a million others! Some day I guess.

Jenn said...

I've always said that I can't wait to enroll at the University of Kolob. We can take Mysteries of the Kingdom 880 together.

Marie said...

How about why we only got to use 10% of our brain? Couldn't we have just a little bit more?

David said...

and what about dinosaurs?
(someone suggested that Christ was writing the 10 commandments, or the sins of those that wanted to chuck rocks.)

Vanessa Swenson said...

Amy: I know, some day, but I admit that I'm sorta impatient.

Jenn: Done. You can be my tutor.

Marie: We use more than that, I know, but how is it that Einstein and Da Vinci figured out how to use so much more of their brain?

David: So many questions about dinosaurs, and where to begin.