Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Rebirthday To Me!!

This year is number 22 since I was baptized. Yippee! To celebrate my rebirthday, I'm going to again post my sweet baptism picture where I'm sporting an afro.
See those whites that I'm wearing? My dad got baptized in them, too, if I remember correctly, and they belonged to my Grandpa Swenson when he was a kid.

Anyway, to celebrate some more, I'm going to post an etymological scripture insight:
So in 2 Tim 3:6 it mentions the word "silly." Silly used to mean holy, but went thru a few stages of semantic changes. It went from meaning holy, to zealous, eventually to no-brained goofy ditz like it means today. Anyway, when the KJV was translated, the meaning was more like a religious zealot without enough brains to think truth thru, or someone who superfocused on the wrong things and was thus led astray. It didn't really mean what we think of when we hear silly.
So there, you go, keep your head on straight; think things thru; don't focus on one thing too much. Thus you won't be led astray.

Here are some nice videos:


South America:

Happy Easter tomorrow! C'est une bonne idée!


rantipoler said...

I love that picture, and now I'm happy I understand what you mean when you say rebirthday. I was rather confused.

Brecken said...

Vanessa. Love the picture of your baptism. you didn't have a fro by the way. i think it's great that you wore "family" baptismal clothes. great post.
Hey, Julie called me and the message got erased along with her number. Would you email it to me when you have a minute? hope it's not too much trouble. Happy Easter. Brecken

Mena said...

I really like the insight. Thank you. Happy Rebirthday and Easter! :)

M said...

The picture is awesome. Ben got quite the chuckle. :-) Happy Easter and re-birthday. I think it would be cool to have been baptized around Easter.