Monday, December 8, 2008

What I did on the lonely streets of Brazil

In some of my mission areas there were long empty streets and fields where there was no one to contact. In one of these areas I was in a threesome with Síster Horne and Síster Costa. Síster Costa would teach us random things about the culture. One thing she taught us, along with the hand motions, was Cinco Patinhos as performed by Xuxa.

Ahh, good times...


FoxyJ said...

That was hilarious--she really puts the emotion into her singing!

I had a companion who used to sing "Strani Amori" from Laura Pausini all the time, and she also loved to sing "La luna me embruja..." (I think it's from Azucar Moreno?) Good times...

Vanessa Swenson said...

Ahh, Xuxa, such the over-actress.

¿Laura Pausini? She's great. What a funny song for a missionary to be singing. Wait, where was she from?

FoxyJ said...

That was my comp who was a Spaniard who had been raised in Switzerland. She spoke Spanish, German, Italian, French, and a bit of English.

I also had a companion who only knew one phrase in English: "Houston, we have a problem!" It was cute.

Vanessa Swenson said...

I love it! I wouldn't have been able to help myself. I would've responded with, "See you on the flip side."

No said...

I have love/hate-d Xuxa all my young life...anyway, e-running into you AND wendybird all in the same week?! Crazy. Or maybe she sent you to my blog. Or maybe THEY sent you (cue suspenseful music)? Are you two still in touch? We're planning tea soon...wanna come? (I mean, if you're even in the same state, naturally)

Kaye said...

That was fabulous! Flashbacks of Portuguese class...