**You're probably not seeing the whole image, b/c I just checked and my computer isn't showing it. Just click on the picture and the whole thing'll show up.**
These pictures are hard to believe, but they're real.Isn't that amazing?
Anyway, just outside (in galactic terms) of our galaxy, we find the Large Magellanic Cloud. (There's a Small M.C., too.) Inside the cloud there's star building going on like you can't believe. Some of these stars are gargantuan. Their length of life is a fraction of the length of our sun and they can be 10-60 times heavier than our sun. This means they burn faster and when they explode, man, it's HUGE.
Here's a nice view of the Sombrero Galaxy:
Here are some other shots that I fancy:
I get lost looking up at the sky. I love constellations.
What got me on this specific kick today? An article about NFL football on ESPN. Go figure.
All of these pictures are courtesy of the Hubble Telescope.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Astronomically cool
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I just wanted to say how much I totally appreciate your love of the heavens. It's always so fun to come to your blog and see the fantastic pictures you post! I love this sort of thing too, but just not enough for it to enter my mind too much, so this is like the only place I ever see pics like that. The universe is basically the coolest place around. ^.~
Anyway, just thinking of how awesome you are. Love!
Wow! Those pictures are amazing!
You just got a loud and audible "WOW" from me with that Sombrero Galazy.
Wow, those are beautiful photos.
I want to know how to make one!
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