Sunday, January 6, 2013


Months back I had this dream where I created a variation of the sport cricket called Cricket Sixes. I created rules and everything, which, don't worry, I won't explain here.

Then last night I had another dream about cricket. In the dream I explained to the people practicing cricket about my dream about cricket. Who were the people playing cricket? Snooki and Britney Spears were. Other random people were, too. Snooki had amazing ability as a cricket bowler, by the way.

So I dreamed a dream where I explained another dream.


M said...

It's metadreaming! Or metadreamatic. I'm not sure which.

And I like it.

Vanessa Swenson said...

So how nuts would it be if this dream turned into a sport? Would there even be a term for the metadreaming? What if Britney Spears played some?

Probably, for safety reasons, I should stop contemplating this scenario.

rantipoler said...

I was gonna say what M said!