Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Condensed Vanessa

When I was in Utah for break, a few people mentioned that I'd lost weight. I'm notorious for not realizing just how much weight I've lost or how different I might look. Yeah, like that time I hadn't realized that I'd lost 25lbs on my mission.
(humble bragging abounds)

I guess it's true b/c I needed new jeans and I tried on my normal size and they fell off. So, smaller size and they're quite comfy.

healthier eating + being more active + anxiety and stress

That appears to be my recipe for weight loss.


Larissa said...

I once lost five pounds on the "Peanut M&Ms and Chocolate Milk" diet...I was so stressed and anxious that I didn't want to eat anything,so I ate the only things that sounded good. It was hilarious.
CONGRATULATIONS to you for a healthier lifestyle! It's a real life-changer!

Vanessa Swenson said...

That's an amazing diet, Riss. Funny thing is, I've only eaten things that sound good to me b/c sometimes eating is so hard b/c I feel so crappy. Apparently my obsession with Vietnamese food equates weight loss.

M said...

I'm glad that you've found something that's still appealing so that you don't get into that "yuck, I hate the way I feel and it's exhausting me to the point that I don't want to eat which will then further exhaust me until I'm just depressed and lay in bed all day" spiral. Good food can keep that at bay.

Korean food is also lovely. :-)