Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Temple

After doing initiatories, I was rather emotionally exhausted and asked if there a place where I could sit down and be alone for a while. The sisters all bustled around me in their loving way and took me to the Bride's Room. I sat down and sobbed for a long while.
Eventually I looked up, ready to go and it was then that I saw my reflection in one of the mirrors. I was sitting there, in the temple.


Canadian Watermelon said...

Proud of you, Venom. It sounds like a long, hard road, and I'm sure there are more struggles and joys still to come. But I'm glad to know that you're beginning to believe in yourself again. I'll be keeping you in my thought and prayers.

Canadian Watermelon said...

Haha. I guess just one "thought," though, according to my previous post. That's all I have now that I've replaced my brain cells with children! *thoughtS and prayers*

Angela said...

I remember my endowment day. They allowed me to use the brides room in Mt. Timp. It was bittersweet for me to be in the temple as well as in the brides room. I just hope I get to go inside again someday.