Monday, October 24, 2011

Music Dream

Well, it wasn't really a musical dream, I guess. But I had this dream a couple of nights ago where someone was talking about music. I had to leave once they finished their story. As I was walking out the door I turned to them and said, "I'll be Bach."

I really did that in my dream.
A friend said that my dream self is funnier that my waking-hours self.


rantipoler said...

I dunno, your waking self is pretty funny, too. Sometimes I repeat your fake German phrases to my dad and it makes him roll his eyes (which makes me happy, as you well know).

Vanessa Swenson said...

Haben zee sehr gut dreamen!

Jared Blanco said...

DAS IST SEHR LUSTIG!!! I loved that. It totally made me think back to terminator and how much I used to like Arnie.

Vanessa Swenson said...

Jarede, doo bist s-air loostick!

Also, all this german has reminded me of this.