Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Last weekend was the 5K. Of course it was. It was the 3rd weekend of May.
It was a lot of fun, as always. The one thing that I'm going to share from the weekend? The, uh, scripture mistake from church:

2 Nephi 2:27
Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose fertility and death ...

At this point the kid speaking stopped himself and said, "Uh, that was a mistake. I mean captivity."

Where'd that even come from?


Mena said...

Freudian slip. That's where it came from. *Awesome!*

Marie said...

Maybe he was thinking about May, the lusty month of May

M said...

That's absolutely hilarious! I love it.

Larissa said...

Ha ha! I LOVE it! People say the randomest things, and usually I am one of them! V-you will HAVE to come see me in Nunsense! You will die - it is hilarious!!!!

Jared Blanco said...

I agree, Freud must have sneaked in somehow. Are you going to post a ST review? hna a'thllen !!(that's Romulan, fyi)

Vanessa Swenson said...

Ahhh, Freud and the BoM...
And I think I will post sumpthin sumpthin about the Star Trek movie when I get a chance, which might not be until next week. Suffice it to say, it reminded me a whole lot of Nemesis.

emily said...

you put the words flesh, free, liberty, eternal, and captivity in close quarters and they're bound to get mixed up phonetically and orthographically into fertility. you might say it's a fertile linguistic union. but then again you might not.

that's my guess, anyway.

i wish it made sense, but the accidental reading is contradictory. i mean, fertility is really a defense against death, in a way, since it allows for the passing on of one's genetic material, indefinitely...

i can't believe i'm still thinking about it. this is probably why i can't pay attention in church. i get too distracted by diversions like this.

Brecken said...

That is hilarious! I love church/public speaking mess ups. It makes for great post church conversation. You're a funny girl! Glad the 5k went great!