Friday, July 25, 2008

What can I do to stay mentally alert now?

I'm finishing up a couple of things right now on the thesis and am posing question to my friends from the blogosphere:
What can I do to keep my mind functioning at optimum levels? Stick seems to think that moldy cheese keeps the mind alert. I'm fine with some good, moldy Roquefort cheese. Yum. But too much of that would make me extremely sick.

What are some good options, my dear bloggy friends?


emily said...

yerba mate. in mass quantities. it worked for me! kinda like hooked on phonics. but drinkable.

Brian said...
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Brian said...

I have one word: KIMCHEE!! If you listen to the crazy Koreans, then Kimchee is the very secret to life! Eat it and you will always be healthy, always be smart, and learn to speak a mean Korean!!

Anonymous said...

Walks in the English countryside ;) (at least, that's what I do)...But you do have beautiful mountains...

Vanessa Swenson said...

a nice walk in the English countryside is very tempting right now. I imagine it's good that I'm not there right now b/c for every 1 on the thesis, there'd be 3 hours of countryside.

Vanessa Swenson said...

i think i'd have to drink yerba w/sprite so that it could be cold. it's like 97º outside.
kimchi! i love kimchi!

Marie said...

I recommend watching Law and Order while working on your thesis. It keeps me wide awake. It makes my thesis sound more official as well.