Sunday, September 16, 2012


I've had no idea how to follow up my last post. So I've decided that it's going to be this:

Riding your bicycle at night can be really awesome when the fireflies are crackling.
But it can always be really gross when the fireflies slam into the back of your throat.


Unknown said...

Weird!!! How does bioluminescence taste!?!?

And, regarding your last post (which I am late commenting on) : beautiful Vanessa, you are a diamond gem of a soul. I love you and admire your strength and courage.

Vanessa Swenson said...

Gaggy, tbh.

And, thanks. It takes a diamond gem of a soul to know a diamond gem of a soul.

Marie said...

Those small annoying flies(?) that are around Utah Lake are also quite gross in the back of the mouth, and you don't get the bonus of a glowing throat. :)

M said...

LOVE lightning bugs. I still remember how appalled I was when I realized Utah didn't have them.

You have now reached a childhood milestone.....


rantipoler said...

No! I absolutely LOVE lightning bugs, but not in my mouth. Blech.