Thursday, September 25, 2008

rock paper scissors

So Scottie and I are a lot alike. Sometimes it's uncanny how we finish off ideas and tend to do/like the same things. It sort of reached a goofy apex tonight at family prayer. Mom asked one of us to say the prayer, so Scottie and I immediately got into Rock, Paper, Scissors position (winner gets to pray). First try, both scissors. Second, both rock. Third, scissors again. Fourth, paper. By this point we were laughing so hard it took a while to get to the fifth. By the sixth, Scottie had fallen back on my pillow laughing.
But never fear, by the ninth time I won and said the prayer--after regaining composure.


Claire said...

well, i never! prayer should not be a game! ::hurumph::

actually my family has this horrible habit of beginning to laugh right before a prayer, so that most of us end up giggling throughout the whole thing. It is quite a family bonding experience.

Vanessa Swenson said...

i assuage my guilt by reminding myself that the person who wins gets to pray.
Now, giggling thru a prayer? Tisk Tisk