That absolute facepalm of a moment when you post this about the de facto WASP hegemony (whose sovereign is HRH Dollar) to facebook:
and a Ron Paul supporter--a woman!--clicks "like."
just smh, S.M.H.
That absolute facepalm of a moment when you post this about the de facto WASP hegemony (whose sovereign is HRH Dollar) to facebook:
and a Ron Paul supporter--a woman!--clicks "like."People who complain about how extending rights to others means that you're somehow taking away their rights are pretty dumb. It's not that your freedom is taken away, it's that the privileged pedestal you've been coasting on is now being fairly populated by others and you've simply gotta work for things instead of being spoon fed your "successes."
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
Labels: musings, political musings
First, my last blog post was #600. Huh.
Number 601 stems from a convo that Anna-Lisa and I had tonight.
Smoking is selfish. Unless you smoke in complete isolation and take sonic showers to remove all of the chemicals from around you, it is simply selfish. The idea that it's your right to spread toxic chemicals that cause cancer, etc. diseases, into the air that other people breathe is nuts. Oh, and selfish.
So When I'm Master of the World, my 4th Edict will be this:
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
There's this thing that's been sitting in my mind for over a year and I think I figured out a way for a succinct post regarding it. (Well, succinct for me.)
The very Second Article of Faith in the LDS Church reads thus:
We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.Essentially it means that humans come to earth with a blank slate and aren't damned because Adam and Eve ate some quince. It also means that I'mma not be eternally damned for someone else's sin. Makes sense. I've got mine, you've got yours. Seems fair.
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
Labels: church, life goals, mission, musings
I like to think of Star Trek as documentaries from the future, in case anyone was wondering.
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
I mean, not that I personally have ever had this problem, except when I try to convince friends to name their daughter Vanessa Gretchen or Gretchen Vanessa. But during my intense Masters and Doctoral research of Harry Potter I have noticed some important naming patterns that I think must be taken into account.
For example, Remus John Lupin. He wasn't born a werewolf, as he was bitten by Fenrir Greyback in his childhood. But his parents were nuts for naming him Remus, it's like they were carving his fate in stone.
Also, Fenrir? Who names their son Fenrir? Psycho parents, obviously.
It's not hard to believe that Narcissa Black Malfoy's parents would name her such. They were huge snobs.
Her sister, Bellatrix? Their parents had some serious bellicose fantasies they wanted to live out through their daughter.
Their cousin, Sirius Black, is named after the dog star. His form as an animagus is like so unsurprising.
Dolores Umbridge has the most perfect name. She totes deserved it.
Mundugus Fletcher? Nasty name.
There's a nice ironic name, too: Bartemius. We don't know about Sr.'s dad. But I'm guessing he was an obnoxious, letter-of-the-law type of man that totally missed the point of life.
etc. etc. etc. I could continue the list due to my exhaustive research into the matter, but meh, I'm done.
Anyway, just be careful when you're naming your kids is all I'm saying.
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
Labels: harry potter, musings, nerd, PhD