Sunday, November 28, 2010

Embarrassing Punctuation Mistake


This hangs on the outside wall of my high school, I saw it when I went in to vote earlier in the month:

"Here, We Learn For Life"
When we separate "here" with a comma, we mean "Take this." "Here, this is yours." When we are actually speaking about a place, "The dog is here," a comma should never appear. "Here, is the dog" is no bueno.
My high school is guilty of excessive use of punctuation for emphasis. This. Is. So. Common. But it's common on Facebook and Twitter. It's rather unfortunate that my high school's motto employs incorrect punctuation. Unfortunately I wasn't surprised in the slightest.

1 comment:

rantipoler said...

What? The heck! Are you talking about? There's, no way, that, punctuation marks, can be used. Excessively.