Monday, January 19, 2009

I know this is excessively immature...

...but I initially read Victory Thong.


emily said...

Teeheehee. That's so something I would have done. I'm proud.

sallysue said...

I wouldn't be surprised if there were Obama thongs available.

My favorite is "the President of color."

Seriously, who says that?

Vanessa Swenson said...

I'm glad I've made you proud.

A simple and awkward google search proved your theory correct, Heidi.
You wouldn't expect the hifalutins at NPR to have come up with that, no? I guess they're trying to be inclusive, to a point. Whatever.

sallysue said...

I really will stop commenting after this, but I'm disturbed I was proven correct about the thong thing.

If I didn't know any better.... ;)

And, you're right, the President of color is probably to be inclusive of everyone but white (a better way may be to say excludes only white) and also perhaps to get away from 'what race is Obama, really....' issue.

Sarah said...

Haha! So did I!!!

rantipoler said...

HA HA HA!! Could you wear Chilenos along with a Victory Thong to the beach?

Vanessa Swenson said...
