Friday, March 30, 2007

Ahhhh! Romanians attack!

So I'm sitting at this very computer about 25 hours ago (1am) and I hear a scream coming from Stick's room followed by a thud that was obviously the sound of her leaping from her bed. Once Stick's asleep, she sleeps deeply, so I was worried thinking maybe she was sick or something. Then I hear her door open. I honestly thought that she was going to puke--why else would she be out of bed--so I went to go check on her and stop at the entryway of the hallway because she's sorta doubled over standing by her door. Great, she's sleepwalking. I know that sleepwalkers can be dangerous and extra strong, so I scream Stick's name. She looked up at me and I could tell that she was sort of asleep still because her eyes were glassy. Then she looked right at me and let out a blood-curdling scream like you've never heard before. I called for Newt just in case Stick attacked me b/c it looked like she was going to at first. As Newt comes out of her room I see that Stick's finally totally awake. Newt forcefully asked her if she was alright and she responded with mumbling. I asked her what on earth she was dreaming about and she said something about Romania...mumble...mumble...Attack... I tried hard not to laugh. But I am right now. In fact I've continued laughing since she went to bed (for the 2nd time). When I laid down to go to sleep at 5ish, I started laughing again. I woke up and I was laughing.
Newt told me today that when she woke up the Stick, she saw that she'd slept with her light on she was so freaked out. I'm laughing again. I really do feel bad for the poor kid, but my gosh it was funny. She doesn't remember her dream anymore, but all she knows is that she had to get out of her bed and room immediately. Those must have been some bad Romanians, hating on her hard core.
Now she's trying to blame it on the Blueberry Pie that she ate. I find that foul and mean. I know that she's doing it to hate on me. And that's seriously vitriolic hating on me.
But I'm going to be laughing about this until I day. Then I'm going to watch it again and again in the Big DVD in Heaven.

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