I posted something about this about a month ago. But here is a nice quote showing exactly what is going on and what will happen with even more vigor.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Families are too important for ...
Families are important; they are the backbone of any healthy society. (I imagine that the 4 people that read my blog would agree with me there.) I also feel that it's important to bring this to the forefront of many discussions about where we're taking our society.
I just wish that we could do this without moronic bunglings that make people who support strengthening the family a bunch of racist idiots that are filled with ignorant hate.
Here's the thing, broken homes exist across all races, in all countries, in all economic strata and whether or not the parents are married. Strong families exist across all races, in all countries, in all economic strata and whether or not the parents are married.
This is the reason why I'm so frustrated. Bear with me, because this sentence a current pledge that's making it's rounds in the upper echelons of our politcs is nasty:
Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first African-American President.
This is what drives me crazy, other than the basic stuff like letting black people know they just long for those slave days, it's not just one race that has broken homes. And what should the white people long for? How about people of Asian descent? Who would be dumb enough to sign it?
So how about this, to all you pledge makers out there, how about you quit making pledges, first of all, and, second, if you absolutely feel the dumb compulsion to, quit being racist prigs and making people who feel strongly about the importance of families look like self-righteous, hateful morons who don't know the real value of strong families, whatever their makeup may be.
Posted by
Vanessa Swenson
Labels: crazy, family, musings, political musings