Saturday, October 10, 2009

Second Season

That's what they call the October playoffs in MLBaseball.

I love baseball, and really there aren't a lot of things I'd change about the sport. The designated hitter really bothers me. Taking pitchers out automatically at 100 pitches is annoying.

But, if I had only one thing to change, it would be to outlaw tobacco in any form at the ballpark. No chewing tobacco, no smoking and no cigars. I hate that chewing tobacco is a tradition of my favorite sport.

Ban it now. Blech.


Marie said...

They should switch to gum. You can advise them on the best flavors:) Hey, is that why you like chewing gum so much?:)

Lydia and Josh said...

Time for new poll. Who will win the world series this year?

Vanessa Swenson said...

Lydia: Done.

Marie: Maybe my obsession is deeper in my subconscious than I realized.

Ben said...

I think more than Tobacco, I don't like the blown calls. There have been a lot already in the playoffs, the worst thus far coming in the Twins/Yanks game last night. I know they don't want to go to review plays because it would slow down play, but what about having some dude in a booth watching who can radio the head ump?

Vanessa Swenson said...

Did you see the two blown calls at first base in the first Red Sox-Angels game? It was pretty bad.
They're a lot closer to having replay on close calls down the line or at the bases than they are to banning tobacco.

M said...

Spitting is nasty. My little Marine brother took it up....I agree with you that it should be banned in baseball.

Ben said...

Yeah, those blown calls at first were pretty bad. I wonder what it is about making the call in the moment that makes it so hard. Maybe it's a real stressful job. I think home plate would be but I don't know about the other umps. Oh well, I'm excited for the Championship Series' and the possibility of a Los Angeles World Series.

Vanessa Swenson said...

I'm with you, I think an LA series would be great. The Yankees don't have a shot with their pitching.

Ben said...

So much for the Yankees not having a shot. I really thought the Angels would do better. It's good to know that the second win was really just a question of home field advantage. I'm homing the momentum will change when they get to Anaheim. On a side note, if the Dodgers can chalk up a win in PA, I'm going to game 6 in L.A.!!!!!

Vanessa Swenson said...

Yeah, I'm bugged. But it's not like the Angels have come thru a whole lot in the clutch.
The Phillies are going to town right now and it's only the top of the 3rd as I type.